Tag Archives: home based work

Blog Commenting 101

Hi everyone!

One way to properly increase brand awareness, create additional inbound links and drive traffic to your site is through blog commenting.

blog commenting image 1If executed correctly, blog commenting can generate favourable results for you. (Especially when you do the commenting on authority sites.)

In my ongoing effort to increase your marketing awareness, I’ve listed down some basic blog commenting do’s and don’ts.

Here’s my take and hope you can learn a thing or two from it. Read on!

Blog Commenting Etiquettes

Some shrewd on-line marketers will always grab the opportunity to comment on a blog site because they want to add their own link (usually their site or solution) in the comment that they are posting.

Can You Post Comments with Links?

Is this an acceptable method when doing blog commenting?

blog commenting image 2One main reason as to why marketers would want to leave a comment with a hyper link in it is because they want to generate a back link.

This back link usually leads to their site or sometimes even to a landing page.

While this practice can be frowned upon, still if approved by the blog site administrator, it’s  an excellent way to get a lot of views for your brand.

While there is a lot of value to be enjoyed whenever a blog comment with a hyper link is approved by a high authority site, still it’s inappropriate especially if it’s a “link-bait and switch” type strategy.

Let’s not forget that blog commenting is all about giving your personal or professional take on the subject at hand.

It’s a proven practice that you should leave a comment in respect to the material mentioned, meaning the comment should be relevant.

If you were to add a hyper link in your blog comment, then it should offer value and be related to the topic of the blog.

Here’s a good example of how blog commenting should be done.

This is taken from a blog in Product.com blog.

3 key elements of a quality blog comment

Use an Avatar

blog commenting image 3Whenever possible, have a Gravatar or info image embedded every time you do blog commenting.

This will prove that you are a “real-and-alive” living individual and not just a robot or a pigment of some shrewd marketers or black hat ops imagination.

Use your Real Name

blog commenting image 4When commenting on a blog, there’s an option to either use your name or to stay anonymous,

it’s a proven effective practice to use your real name and if you are asked for an email or website in the comment form, add them as well.

Never use a keyword that you are trying to haggle for

This is a clear signal of  spamming. Leave a comment that offers actual value. Likewise, please don’t ever, ever use the comment box to introduce yourself or your brand.

Time and time again we see a lot of comments that take 10-15 seconds to read!  These are obviously just for self-promotion and are geared to get a back link to their brand.

Give real value every time you blog comment and in time you’ll see your connection grow. Why? because people will notice that you know your stuff and this will lead them to seek you out.

That’s all it takes!

Now, can you start commenting on my blogs?

Make money now via blogging =====>joinstevemack.com

You can make money on-line very easily =====action111.com

Are You Working From Home?

Hi everyone!

Home based work opportunities can fetch in a lot of money and can be as relatively successful as any office or factory based jobs. Whatever catch your fancy or where you are at, there’s always going to be that opportunity to work from home.

home based work project image 4Some of these niches can range anywhere from graphic designs, to DIY projects or even personal support projects.

But one thing is certain – home based work projects deliver the freedom to work from where you are situated,  at your own pace and best of all? You are your own boss.

Listed below are examples of home based work projects that you can do and earn money from.

Home Based Work Projects for You


home based work project image 1Granted you have an extra lot or a yard, then you can use that piece of land into a money machine by gardening.

Grow any vegetables of your choice and then sell them at your local environment-friendly produce market.

Gardening could be the start of your business that can bring in the cash. You don’t only add another channel to your income flow; you can likewise use this as a form of relaxation/meditation.

 Crafts / Hobbies

home based work projects image 2Another great home based project that you can to work on is by trying out crafts or fanciful hobbies.

If you can make something that’s uniquely uncommon, you will surely make a brand, such as selling personalized birthday party cards, or wedding event giveaways.

Crafts/hobbies have improved considerably with the advent of eBay – it’s less complex now and it can also reach a broader market because of connectivity.

So no matter how uncommon your product is, you’re likely to find a person that is genuinely interested in it.


home based work project image 3Another easy home based work project that anyone can do is recycling.

You can transform that pile of junk into a stash of cash by selling them to your local community trash store or recycling shop.

Discarded bottles, old newspapers, cans, almost anything worth recycling can be turned into instant cash, plus you’d get to save mother Earth in the process as well.

Home based work projects can be the answer to your financial woes. There’s almost zero capital outlay involved, doesn’t require a lot of high-tech infrastructure and best of all? You’d get to love what you’re doing.

So why not start an home based work project now and work your way to financial freedom!

Need extra cash? join me! =====>joinstevemack.com

You can make easy money via blogging, learn how!=====>action111.com

3 Easy ways to turbo charge your Sales

Hi everyone!

turbocharge your salesIf there’s one thing that is always on every on-line marketer’s mind is this – how to successfully sell your solution or if you are already selling – how to turbo charge your sales!

You may already have an on-line store but if your sales figures are not what you envision when you started, then worry no more, I offer you this simple insight.

Here’s a rather 3 easy ways to increase your sales:

3 Easy ways to turbo charge your sales

Broaden your Scope

turbo charge sales image 2Reaching a big number of people is crucial for any on-line marketing efforts.

Using social media to drive your campaign can be useful but that in itself is not enough. You must make an effort to add to your list whenever and wherever possible.

You can achieve this by using the services of a press release platform or even an email forwarding platform. These on-line apps have their default listing accordingly, giving you that much needed extra connection.

Don’t use the word BUY too often

turbo charge sales image 3When you begin browsing sites on the internet, you’re often looking for details, right?

If you dislike the sensation like a website is trying to force you into a buy when you’re just trying to find out a bit more about a certain topic or solution, why would you put your clients in the same situation?

Eliminate terms like cost, sale, and buy from your copy. Obviously, the goal is still to attract in business, but starting your advertisement too early might mean the client drops interest and close the web browser tab.

Try to get their attention – this is the first step. An easy way to do this is to correspond with the problem the client is experiencing and accurately how you’re going to fix it for them. This develops trusts and when translated, results in revenue.

The magic of a good promo

promo imageIf you find you’re getting reasonable revenue but you aren’t getting many add-ons or selling many accessories, then consider using a promo.

For example, if a client buys a higher value product, they get a reduced value product for 100 % free or at a reduced cost.

Be certain that the promo item is something that will get their interest and make the client experience like they’re getting actual value for cash.

You can also make a discount campaign using promo codes entered on the checkout screen. These are excellent because they allow you to see where the code came from if you have marketing associates, and that’s more information you can use to your advantage next time.


There’s a lot to be said for trust and reliability when it comes to turbo-charging your revenue, but you should also be using analytic and information to get a better study on your client’s behaviour.

That information can tell you almost everything about the individuals who are purchasing from you and it will help you customize your company to their needs. In return, this will motivate trust in the client because they can see you’re paying attention to their reviews.

Do you want to make easy money on-line? 

Work from home and earn now!

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3 Website Designs to Consider

Hi everyone!

web design image 1Did you know that your website design could make or break your business? Yes it can! So before you start to tinker this one out on your own, let me offer this simple but practically effective website design tips for you to consider.

By the way, I’ve compiled this list from different sources like web developers, web designers, and lay out artists to give credence to this write up.

3 Sure Hit Website Designs

Clean Icons

website iconsWhether we like it or not, operating system will always be upgrade, compelling designers and programmers to make cleaner icons.

Minimalist icons that are easily recognizable in all platforms and throughout the color wheel, will also be a big factor to consider in creating your most preferred website.

Bold Colors                                            

website design colorsDon’t go for obnoxious hues like a shade of gray, even if they’re fifty shades of it and in it. (Pun intended).

Bold colors will always attract visitors. Pastel hues will see resurgence this quarter and probably up to the end of this year.

The reason for this is that we tend to associate bright colors with the feeling of freedom and happiness.

Data Integration

website design icon 2There’s a growing list of developers who are using the latest tool kits to bring data directly into their website design. The result: Interactive information visualization that are crawl able as well.

This means they can be located online via any search engine. These tools allow the style of making information part of the overall design process, not merely an afterthought.

Good thing platforms like Word press has a lot of these features already integrated into their templates. You may forego consulting your web designer if you opt for the already built-in Word press template.

But if being unique is your “thang” you may actually need your web designer’s expert advice on how your website should look, feel and function.

Having a website is not as simple as we think; some unseen factors like data integration can really make a huge dent to our solution unless we act immediately to rectify the issue. See you next time!

Join me and let’s make money via blogging! =====>joinstevemack.com

You can make easy money online now=====>action111.com

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