Monthly Archives: April 2021

Why Using a Heatmap is A Wise Decision

Article Summary

What is a Heatmap?

  • Data analysis software
  • Uses colours as a data visualization tool
  • Visual way to make decisions from
  • Helps tweak your web page for efficiency

If you haven’t tried using any visual data analysis software, well, you’re missing quite a lot in trying to measure your online data.

What is so unique about this application is that you can pinpoint exactly which area of your page is being frequented by your visitors.

If you run a business or manage a sales and marketing team, you know how important efficiency is. There are countless ways to optimize operating costs or a combination of both. 

But one of the most effective ways to improve sales and marketing results is to understand geographical and customer data and use it to your advantage. This is where heat maps come in. 

It takes numeric data and plots it on an accurate geographical map, displaying different values by color intensity. The point of a heat map is to give visually inclined teams a precise idea of their current results and where they can improve based on what the map describes.

How does it work?

Let’s take for example that you are looking at a particular webpage, a heatmap will show you which areas of that page are getting the most attention.

Seeing this will help you streamline your page so that the most important part gets the most notices.

A heat map can display the following data:

  • Your most clickable headline
  • Most attractive image and if people are clicking on it
  • What distracts visitors from your web page
  • Do people see your call to action or opt-in box?

Colours as Visualization tool

The way the Heatmap works is that certain colours are associated with actual cursor “clicks”. The intensity ranges from darkest (fewest to no clicks or browse) to lightest indicating the most clicks or browse.

The cool thing about using this tool is that you can continue to tweak your page to update them until you are satisfied with the result.

Once you have implemented this tool, you can easily integrate it to your business workflow, making it an integral part of your analytics.

The good thing about using heatmap is that organizations can use it in different ways depending on their goals and they can also pinpoint productivity, marketing efforts and any other considerations that need numerical tracking.

Do you think this tool is for your business? Absolutely, especially if you’re keen on tweaking your web page to deliver the best version that could make people interact with it in a superb way.

Why are Podcasts so Popular?

Article Summary

Reasons why people love podcasts

  • Portable
  • Packed ball of Energy
  • Educational Value
  • Pool of usable Ideas
  • FREE

There’s a steady increase of podcast usage, not only for personal use but even to drive value into the marketing strategy. If you haven’t explore this entertaining niche, then it’s never too late to get your hands on one now and who knows you might just be a successful podcaster in the making.

So what is a podcast?

What is a podcast? Simply put: a podcast is an audio programme, just like Talk Radio, but you subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like. –

5 reasons to consider the use of Podcast


With podcast, you can literally carry them in your pocket via your mobile device. Sure, traditionally, you listen to podcasts using your desktop, live or downloaded. Now, you can subscribe to the ones prefer listening in increment or by episodes. You can have them synched to your daily walking or even driving routine depending on the time-frame you have allotted.

Ball of Energy

Oftentimes, best podcasts don’t talk down to their audience. Listening on how highly strung or energetic the podcaster always somehow rubs on me. I mean the whole vibes is contagious! I mostly listen to podcasts in the marketing/business/entrepreneurial space. Usually many podcast features people/influencers who have learned to overcome obstacles in their lives and this inspires me to persevere as well.


If you’re the auditory-type person, meaning you receive information better when listening to it, then a podcast is the perfect vehicle for you. Sometimes a 10-minute audio overview can explain the concepts better than a whole book.

Pool of Ideas

I realized that while listening to podcasts, my mind tends to get triggered and ideas starts pouring in. The thing that catches me off is I need to write down these ideas right away or they’re be gone as quickly as they come in.


Well surely, most podcasts would require you to subscribe and comes with a fee, but if you’re resourceful enough there exist in the online universe a whole plethora of FREE podcasts on just about any imaginable subject matter in the whole wide world.

So how does this all translate to your marketing efforts?

How about instead of just writing your content, you can also use podcast to deliver your campaign?

How to Integrate Gamification with Your Content Marketing Strategy

Article summary

Why Gamification?

  • According to the International Journal of Education Technology in Higher Education, gamification increased retention by 12.23% and increased overall performance 7.03%.
  • This is the one of the most effective ways to increase learner engagement, retention, and recall by reducing barriers to learning.
  • Scientists studied the effectiveness of using gamificatiin in the form of video games to teach students diagnosed with autism.
  • Results of this study showed that this training package is effective in teaching age-appropriate content through gamification.

The Art of the Game

The gamification of learning is an educational approach to motivate students to learn by using video games design and game elements in learning environment. In other words gamification is the introduction of game elements in a non-game situation. Aims to engage users to change their behavior in order to acquire and to adhere to a healthy behavior.

Brief History

The idea of embedding game techniques and mechanics in the business system to enhance customer engagement and experience is very recent in the business world.

This is called as gamification. Some experts view that gamification is the future of digital marketing. Hoping to outlast just a passing fancy or novelty, its influence is predicted to be widespread, sort of like this is the real game changer.

 The main goal of this marketing technique is to give more excitement and trill for your site visitors as they engage the game. This is to increase page visit duration and avoid high bounce rate or click outs

There are different gamification strategies, you must know what your users find interesting or engaging by giving more challenges at the same time offer more rewards as they put in more time playing.

Many companies so far have succeeded by using gamification in marketing like MapMyRun also known as MapMyFitness – a fitness website and also app of a kind  as one of the many examples of a business organization that has successfully employed a strategy of gamification in marketing. 

Gamification is considered as a way to influence online and offline behavior. The reason for this is because applications eventually lead people to do things like playing games or responding to certain situations.

There are many ways on how gamification is explained

Gamification is the process of game-thinking and the game mechanics to engage users to solve problems. Similarly, gamification is said to be a service design that has the objective to provide game-like experience to users as well as affecting their behavior.

More often than not, our efforts to engage with users usually fail. What we as marketers consider fun and engaging, our users often dismiss as dull, tedious and irrelevant. The world around us is changing as we are now fighting for hearts and minds, not just wallets.

We don’t want people to just consume our product or patronize our service, but to authentically fall in love with our brand. That is what gamification is rapidly gaining popularity.

Gamification is also an application of game mechanics and game design techniques of traditional gaming environment. It is an excellent way to engage and motivate people to complete tasks and achieve goals by tapping into our basic desires, need and impulses. Can be addictive, enhancing the customer experience, encouraging return visits and building long-term loyalty.

Are you ready to use this technique in your marketing campaigns?

If you happen to like this topic, pls do leave a comment below, and share the word!

Using Augmented Reality in Marketing

Article Summary:

  • Marketing can benefit from Augmented Reality
  • AR apps are now readily available
  • AR and content marketing
  • Smart phones and devices that are AR friendly and capable

Augmented Reality is a fresh, interactive and virtual solution that is employed in marketing that provides a never before seen approach that enables searchers/users to actually engage with a solution or product.

How augmented reality can benefit marketing

Some creative brands are already using this technology to come up with cutting-edge, highly engaging content that entertains their audiences.

By offering solutions to a wide range of enterprises across different industry niches and platforms, AR is slowly revolutionizing the general landscape of marketing – in a good way.

Augmented Reality available apps for digital marketing

The growth in AR-capable devices has played a large part in making augmented reality more commonplace for marketing, advertising and sales purposes.

Many times online purchasers face the inconvenience of not having the ability to try their clothes or shoes before buying them, eventually ending up disappointed when trying out their new products. Augmented reality apps for marketing solve this issue, because it is now possible to virtually try on a product before purchasing, which can ultimately increase customer satisfaction.

“Furniture and interior design companies, like Ikea, also are increasingly using AR solutions for his or her businesses. They now offer users the chance to virtually display new pieces of furniture in their living rooms and kitchens by simply employing a mobile app.”

AR and Content Marketing

Campaigns like Burger King’s ‘Burn that Ad’ – where users were rewarded with a free meal at BK by pointing their smartphones at a McDonald’s outdoor ad and see them “burn” on their phone – are revolutionising the way brands can advertise and promote their products. However, augmented reality in content marketing is additionally changing the way users can consume some products.

Magazines and books, for instance , are now using their printed versions as platforms to explore virtual opportunities. Openbook Howden has done this with its interactive print, also as many other children’s book publishers, as they permit kids to use smartphones to bring their favourite characters ‘alive’ and convert reading into a multimedia animated experience.

Smart phones and devices that are AR friendly and capable

Mobile applications on phones and tablets are centered around AR overlays that influence a blend of the gadget’s preparing power, camera focal points and web availability to give an increased encounter.

Headsets are worked to convey exceptionally vivid encounters that blend enlarged and computer generated reality conditions, and Microsoft HoloLens and Magic Leap are the business chiefs in Augmented Reality development.

Brilliant glasses are light-weight and low-power wearables that give first-individual perspectives, and these incorporate items like Google Glass Enterprise Edition and Vuzix Blade.

The program based experience uses new innovations to give a comparable encounter to what portable AR offers yet without application downloading.

If you find today’s topic insightful, or if you have any questions or comments, do leave one at the space provided for.