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3 Good Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Blog

There are many reasons why the blog is not immediately visible on the world wide web.

Reason #1

One of these reasons is that you just launched the blog. Because not all of your readers can easily see your writings.

Often it is necessary to build a blog audience by creating more blogs with credibility and a reputable source of information to widen the reach and make your readers feel confident in your writing.

Creating a blog is not necessarily easy, but, the beauty of blogging is that you build your credibility as a writer. Being a blogger is not easy nor if you think its a walk in the park. There will be many who will believe in your story, moved by quotes, or even bash it.

Yet whatever the reader you have, you will feel your blog’s reward as it may be sponsorship of whatever products, and this also is an indication that your followers’ network is expanding and you have more readers.

Reason #2

Your blog may also be optimized so it will not immediately appear in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Often your writing is for an inbound marketing tool that has a direct tie to search.

So it is better than a blog is tied up in your marketing plan. Because each of what you write is also a page on your website that can be indexed. And because of this, your blog may be easier to search. In fact, your blog may cause 45% or more traffic to your website.

And not just about everything will end. As long as your topic is written to help many readers or searchers, it will continue to drive traffic to your website. Especially if the content creation follows with SEO best practice.

Alright… You can also write but is not building audiences, and perhaps, no one knows that your blog exists?

Reason #3

Blogging is one of the activities of the major skill marketing people have. So if you want to see your blog on search engines, remember to think like marketers; that your blog is one of those who enrich the company and the only unique product you have.

So it is very necessary to be effective and promote blogs through social media sites. And do not forget, to always include a website link or introduce your website to every blog you write. And if you think that other links can help other than your website, please do not hesitate to put these links.

Here you gain something that makes your readers feel good about, which also they often affirm. So do not overlook using social buttons in your blogs. They are really helpful.

There are more reasons to be such as, you are not using an encouraging email subscription to your blogs? There may be RSS subscribers that may be available to your readers from email readers.

You may be only blogging about yourself? This is possible but more effective with influencer people. Avoid boring and no target audience content. All of this is unnecessary in your blog to be avoided and will start writing useful and helpful to your readers.

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